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Here is a link to our streamlabs merchendise store. Here you will find our Exclusive Apparell line as well as other new and excting branded products on sale that will be sure to stand out and proudly show your support! Keep watching for new products as we grow and expand these products with time. is a platform where you can earn free PED (Project Entropia Dollars) for the real cash economy game Entropia Universe, Tibia Coins, Wizard101 crowns or gift cards for your favorite PC games including Runescape. We are hard at work expanding the metaverse.
Help support the channel and earn extra PED when you sign up using our referral link !
Click on the logo to start earning PED TODAY! reward point exchange details.
To participate you must use the referral link provided and complete the signup process to begin earning points. points will be exchanged at the rate of 1 equil to 0.10 Entropia Universe PED or 1 : 0.10 ratio. points have no cash value and may only be exchanged for Entropia Universe PED ( Project Entropia Dollar ) And or Entropia Universe Items ( When Offered ) and are not valid for any other Exchange outside the scope of this offer.
Hideout,tv points are subject to verification rules setforth by as well as the Terms of Service , as such all blackout times are set at 60 days from exchange date by above rules and terms and are non negotible.
A minimum threashold of 25 PED is required for withdraw and points exchanged are subject to a 60 DAY blackout period as per requires. Thank you for your patients and understanding in this matter.
All verified withdraws will be distributed to thier recipeiants on the day appointed and location in Entropia Universe by Solis Gaming and is subject to change. Those recieving payouts will be notified 24 hours in advance via ingame message and anouncement on Solis Gaming Discord as well as the solis gaming live stream.
All payouts are final
Follow us on twitch and watch live streams to earn channel points you can exchange for Various Ingame items in Entropia Universe and other games where allowed to include exclusive in game trading of items in accordance with the terns of service set forth by the owners and operators of the respective games involved.
In order to participate , you must follow us on twitch and watch live streams in order to earn channel points .
Twitch Channel points have no cash value and may only be exchanged for ingame currency(s) and or items or goods or services where allowed by EULA and terms of service agreements set forth by thier restpective copyright(s) owners and thier respective IPs. Copyright holders reserve the right to request termination of any exchange or service Provided by Solis Gaming LLC. at any time for any reason.
Now you can help support the channel and Solis Gaming and start playing "Solaris" , Our card game extention to the Entropia Universe world that inclused Sweat buy cards, Ped Cards, And much more! Simply follow the link to the Streamloot page and select a deck to begin playing! The game begins soon get your deck today! Rules of the game and dates of marathons and special events, as well as official start of gameplay to be announced.
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